Your four models are very interesting, it is something I have been thinking about both on the teaching and research sides. If I had been present I think I would have voted for 4. for 2033, but perhaps expect 3. in the longer-run. I find it hard to see why we will need so many people working in academia as AI progresses.

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"Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital" - okay, next on the book list...

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It's solid. A bit repetitive, but the points are very useful.

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I so appreciate reading this analysis--I only wish I could have been there!

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Hey, wish you'd been here too! Thank you.

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Interesting discussion, thanks. I’m reminded of the 80’s discussion about robotics having a similar problem, sadly due to opposition from trade unions (and some business owners) the vast majority of manufacturing went to China via Hong Kong.

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Good historical comparison, Steve.

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