I'm unclear on what the academic lesson would be here, even if these clips weren't so easily identifiable as AI generated. Perhaps you could write about what assignment you would give, and what the intended outcome would be.
I think it's interesting in terms of AI in particular, or culture in general (assuming generative AI is trained on movies, tv, games, etc). The exercise reveals how the tech, or culture, thinks of a given historical event.
I'm unclear on what the academic lesson would be here, even if these clips weren't so easily identifiable as AI generated. Perhaps you could write about what assignment you would give, and what the intended outcome would be.
Good point, Phil. I should have expanded that.
I think it's interesting in terms of AI in particular, or culture in general (assuming generative AI is trained on movies, tv, games, etc). The exercise reveals how the tech, or culture, thinks of a given historical event.