That _Corpus-wide machine learning analysis of early modern astronomy_ is an amazing example of re-constructive utility AI is now bringing to scholarly fields.
There will no longer be 'a' Deep Seek rsn. It will flower throughout the BRICS if not Team USA ... biggest black swan to have hit 4IR in a non-destructive catastrophic manner so far. Application to all small in-the-field humanity teams has immediate potential.
That _Corpus-wide machine learning analysis of early modern astronomy_ is an amazing example of re-constructive utility AI is now bringing to scholarly fields.
Agreed. The digital humanities is a fine thing.
Off topic, but relevant prognostication:
There will no longer be 'a' Deep Seek rsn. It will flower throughout the BRICS if not Team USA ... biggest black swan to have hit 4IR in a non-destructive catastrophic manner so far. Application to all small in-the-field humanity teams has immediate potential.